Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey Tips for Safety

Is Your Holiday Turkey In Jeopardy?

Over the years, the USDA’s staff on the Meat and Poultry Hotline have faced many challenges trying to save Thanksgiving turkeys that have been prepared in questionable ways. “It’s difficult to advise consumers on Thanksgiving Day that the turkey they have worked so hard to serve, may not be safe to eat” says Susan Templin Conley, who is the Hotline Director.

According to Conley, there are six basic problems that Hotline staff members hear every year. Are you unknowingly creating any of these scenarios?

Mistake #1 Defrosting at Room Temperature

“We’ve always done it that way...There’s no room in the refrigerator...We forgot it was in the trunk of the car...It’s in a cold basement.” While there are many reasons why consumers find themselves with turkeys defrosted at room temperature, some planned and some unplanned, the result is the same---a potentially unsafe turkey. Bacteria grow rapidly at room temperature. Bacteria will begin to grow on the outside portion of the bird that defrosts first. Using your sense of sight, smell, or taste is not enough because the bacteria are microscopic. They can multiply to dangerously high levels that cooking may not destroy.

Instead: Plan on 1 day of refrigerator defrost time for every 5 pounds of turkey. A 10 pound turkey will take approximately 2 days to defrost in the refrigerator, a 15 pound turkey 3 days and a 20 pound turkey 4 days.

Some callers worry that a frozen turkey will spoil if left in the refrigerator for 4 days. Don’t be concerned. Even after a turkey fully defrosts, it is safe in the refrigerator for an additional 1-2 days.

If you forget to take your turkey out of the freezer early enough, don’t panic. You’re not in hot water yet, especially if you remember to use the COLD WATER technique. Even a 20 pound frozen turkey can be defrosted in 10 hours using the cold water defrost method. Submerge the wrapped bird in cold water, adding ice or new cold water every 30 minutes

Mistake #2 Pre-stuffing a Turkey The Night Before

It’s okay to pre-stuff Christmas stockings, but not Thanksgiving birds! Stuffing a turkey the night before is risky business. The cavity of the bird actually insulates the stuffing from cold temperatures, and can keep the stuffing in a temperature range that encourages bacterial growth.

Instead: Prepare dry stuffing ingredients the day before. Tightly cover and leave at room temperature. The perishables - butter, or margarine, mushrooms, oysters, cooked celery and onion broth should be refrigerated. Combine the dry and wet ingredients and stuff the bird immediately before the turkey goes into the oven.

Mistake #3 Cooking At Low Temperature Overnight

Every year Hotline staff members worry about “how low consumers will go” when it comes to oven temperature settings. On Thanksgiving Day in 1990, Hotline staff talked with numerous families who calmly slept the night away while bacteria were busily multiplying on their turkeys in 200 degrees F ovens. Cooking below 325 degrees F is unsafe because low temperatures permit the bird (and stuffing) to remain in the “danger zone” (41 degrees F - 140 degrees F) too long. While in this “zone” bacteria can grow and some produce heat resistant toxins.

Instead: Cook perishable foods at an oven temperature no lower than 325 degrees F.

Mistake #4 Partially Cooking a Bird The Day Before

Some time-savers are safer than others. Partially cooking a turkey is not one of them. Interrupted cooking can actually increase the possibility of bacterial growth. The turkey may be heated long enough to inactivate bacterial growth, but not long enough to kill it.

Instead: Cook the turkey completely in one operation. Several other ideas for SAFE time saving include: 1) Using oven cooking bags, 2) Baking stuffing separately form the turkey, 3) Cooking and carving turkey 1-2 days before the holiday, and storing it in the refrigerator for reheating on the big day.

Mistake #5 Cooking A Turkey Ahead of Time and Leaving It Whole In The Refrigerator.

Cooking the turkey a day or two before the holiday is fine, but refrigerating the bird whole, without carving, is another form of turkey jeopardy. A cooked turkey, stuffed or unstuffed, is too big and dense to cook down quickly and efficiently in a home refrigerator. In addition, reheating the turkey the next day in a slow oven to prevent drying out could allow even more growth of potential food poisoning bacteria.

Instead: Roast the turkey 1 or 2 days before the holiday. Use a meat thermometer to make sure that the bird reaches 180 degrees F. Remove stuffing immediately after taking the bird out of the oven. Allow the turkey to sit for 20 to 30 minutes so that the meat juices can settle. Carve the bird into appropriate serving slices and place in shallow baking pans. Cover and refrigerate. Reheat Thanksgiving Day in a conventional oven or microwave. Make sure that meat and stuffing are reheated to “steamy hot”, 165 degrees F.

Mistake #6 Power Failure

The oven broke down... an ice storm downed power lines... there’s no gas for the gas grill. You can’t keep your bird hot...or you can’t keep your bird cold. These unplanned situations do arise through the fault of no one. Besides causing anxiety and stress, they can also lead to an unsafe bird.

Solution: Time is of the essence. If your bird has been in any of these situations for over 2 hours, your turkey could become risky. After 2 hours the turkey enters the “danger zone” where food poisoning bacteria can multiply rapidly. But to discuss your unique situation, call one of the food experts on the Meat and Poultry Hotline.

USDA’ MEAT AND POULTRY HOTLINE: Answers questions on the safe storage and handling of meat, poultry and other perishable foods. Normal hours are 10 am to 4 pm weekdays, Eastern Time. On Thanksgiving Day, the lines will operate 8 am to 2 pm, call 1-888-674-6854. You can also send an email to

Maintain, Don't Gain! Holiday Challenge 2011: Week 1 Tips

How to Stuff the Turkey (and not yourself) in 3 Steps

It's easy to go overboard on Thanksgiving Day. It's that once a year, special meal. The smells wafting from the kitchen all day are like torture for your senses - the anticipation of the meal alone is enough to drive your taste buds wild.

We have good news for you - it is possible to balance your plate and still enjoy your holiday favorites without overdoing it. The trick to enjoying Thanksgiving to its fullest is in a little mixing and matching and maybe just a little bit of math, too. Here's how:

Step #1 is to eat regular meals. We here at Eat Smart, Move More NC recommend eating regular meals the day of Thanksgiving (well...on any day, really). Why? When you skip meals to "leave room" for a larger meal your hunger goes into overdrive and you will usually eat more than you would have if you had stuck to your regular meal schedule. Skipping meals will unintentionally sabotage your goals, so we don't recommend it.

Step #2 is to figure out how many calories you have to work with for your Thanksgiving meal. Assuming you eat three regular meals each day, you can then plan on Thanksgiving making up 1/3 of your day's calories. Remember the calorie calculator and meal planner you used to figure out your daily calorie needs? Once you know how many calories you need in a day, divide that number by 3. The number you get will tell you what you have to work with for your Thanksgiving meal.

Step #3 is to mix and match your holiday favorites with this guide from The University of Texas. With this handy guide you can decide which holiday favorites will make it onto your plate as you add them up to reach your calorie goal for the meal. Be sure to include the foods you really love - you don't want to deprive yourself of favorites - but be aware of how they fit into your overall meal. The biggest nutrition bang-for-your-buck comes from fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. They will help you feel full, satisfied and also pack the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

Quick tip:

Stop when you are full!

With the holiday season comes food we only get once, maybe twice per year. Don't let excitement over your favorite treats lead you to overeat. Pace yourself. Remember it takes 15-20 minutes for your stomach to register that it is full.

Go slow, savor your food and stop when you are full. Wait at least 20 minutes before going back for seconds.

For more information or to sign up for the Holiday Challenge, visit

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Backyard Aquaculture Workshop

A backyard aquaculture workshop is scheduled for Monday, November 21 at 6:00 pm at the McDowell County Extension Center, 60 East Court Street, Marion (2nd Floor of the County Administration Building).  If you have a pond, learn how to grow your own fish, and have homegrown trout and catfish for dinner with your homegrown veggies!  There is a registration fee of $5/$7 for couples.  Make checks payable to:  McDowell Cooperative Extension.  Mail to McDowell Cooperative Extension, 60 East Court Street, Marion, NC 28752.  Call Molly Sandfoss or Jane McDaniel at 828-652-8104 with questions.  Must register by November 17.